For this reason, it is recommended to group up with a minimum of 3-4 other people to help defeat Moria. While it is possible to solo, it takes an egregiously long amount of time.Moria raises his hand to summon a horde of the undead containing at least 4 or 5 swift zombies Moria, The Shadow King transforms into a colony of bats, swarming the enemy and stunning them. Silhouette will deal roughly half the damage of normal attacks He will instantly summon it again after it is defeated. His silhouette has the same moves, but they will do less damage. Once Moria, The Shadow King reaches half health, he will summon his silhouette to assist him. Moria, The Shadow King uses the powers of the Kage-Kage no Mi to trap everyone nearby in a box which explodes, breaking block and hitting everyone in his Throne Room.